Grange School

Reach for the Stars

SEND Information

Our school SENDCO is Mrs Keay. She can be contacted via our school office, please address any emails regarding SEND to Mrs Keay.

Support for the 'Four Broad Areas of Need

Please find some useful resources and website links below for your information.  Click on the links to visit the website.

Summary of the Four Broad Areas of Need

Support for for families who have children with SEND

SENDIASS Staffordshire Family Partnership:


01785 356921


The County of Staffordshire have a website with their Local Offer for SEND.

Staffordshire Local Offer:

Cognition and Learning (C & L)

The British Dyslexia Foundation

The Dyscalculia Association     

Dyslexia Foundation                 

Improve your child's memory skills:

Communication and Interaction (C & I)

Speech and Language Support:  Stoke Speaks Out

The National Autistic Society

CYPT Autism


Social Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH)

Young Minds             YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People | YoungMinds

ADHD Foundation

Mental Health          Staffordshire Connects | Children's mental health support pathway

Physical Development/Sensory (PD)

Dyspraxia Foundation

Children’s Choice Therapy Service (Occupational and Sensory Integration)

Occupational Therapy








Please click here to visit The Staffordshire SEND Local Offer website. The SEND Local Offer is the place to go for information, support and services for children and young people 0-25 years with SEND.

Staffordshire SEND Local Offer - promotional video